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Ieuter Insurance Group Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Why Do Rates Increase After a Home Claim?

When home insurance was first introduced, the intent was for catastrophic coverage. For example, if your home burned down or a tornado came through and swept it away you, would have coverage to rebuild. The owner of the...

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Airbnb: Are you Covered?

Airbnb has made home sharing a popular for many travelers. If you are not familiar with this website, it is a place for people to list their homes, apartments, cabins, etc. to rent for short periods of time. If you have...

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7 Driving Habits That Are Bad for Your Car

No matter how safe you are behind the wheel, you’ve probably done things like: Shift into drive while the car is still rolling backward. Ride the brakes on steep hills. Roll into the gas station on empty. Guilty? If so,...

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What Is A Surety Bond?

We get this question a lot in our commercial department. Please see the link below for quick and easy explanation. If you think you may need one for your business, please call our office today! What is a Surety Bond?

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Burglary Prevention: Should You Leave the Lights On?

It seems like a no-brainer to leave the lights on outside your home to deter burglars while you’re away (or even while you’re asleep). But does that really work? Or is it just a waste of electricity — particularly this...

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Ice Dams: Prevent Before the Problem!

The icicles hanging from your eaves and gutters last year may be a faint memory now. But winter is coming, and along with it one of your home's worst enemies—ice dams. Ice dams are continuous chunks of ice that form...

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Which Home Alarms Do You Need?

Technology has made home alarms of all kinds — from security to smoke, radon to radiation — more accessible than ever. Many of them can be configured to work together, and some even alert you to trouble through your...

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Winter is Coming! Safe Driving Tips from Auto Owners

We have already seen snow once in Michigan - this was just a sneak peak at what's coming for the winter months. Here are some tips from our friends at Auto Owner's Insurance to keep all drivers safe on the road. Driving...

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Car Accidents! What You Should Know

If you've ever been in a car accident you know the feelings of shock, fear, and confusion as you try to sort out the events and make sure everyone involved is okay. We think it's a good idea to have a list of things to...

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Business Income Coverage

The main purpose of Business Income coverage is for business continuity. It provides funds to pay for continuing expenses that remain even though the business is not operational at the moment due to a covered loss....

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