Most personal auto insurance policies cover you for rented vehicles, and they will cover you for the same coverages you have on your personal auto policy.
Before renting a car, check first with your agent to see if your policy covers you for rental car insurance, then double check what coverages you have on your personal policy that will transfer to the rental car. You need to have collision and comprehensive coverage on your personal auto policy for it to cover the rental car. It is also a good idea to have Loss of Use on your policy as well.
For example, Loss of Use means the rental car company cannot rent out the vehicle and loses income as a result. Having this on your personal auto policy will help prevent them for charging you this if there is an accident.
For all your insurance needs, visit us at https://www.ieuter.com
Ieuter Insurance Group 414 Townsend St Midland MI 48640 (989) 835-6701
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Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash