Do you have questions about the refund of $400 per insured vehicle that Michigan policyholders are expected to receive by May 9, 2022?
Visit the DIFS website for answers to frequently asked questions, including whether motorcycles and RVs are covered (they are) and whether vehicles that had comprehensive coverage for storage-only in place on the determining date of Oct. 31, 2021 are included (they aren't). The site also provides clarity about coverage for commercial and fleet vehicles.
Here's where to go for answers to FAQs: https://bit.ly/3HKraEt
Your Friends In The Insurance Business at Ieuter Insurance Group will keep you posted when new information becomes available.
For all your insurance needs, visit us at https://www.ieuter.com
Ieuter Insurance Group 414 Townsend St Midland MI 48640 (989) 835-6701
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