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Ieuter Insurance Group Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Motorcycle Driving Tips

Summer is here! And if you have a motorcycle you're probably getting it back on the road soon. At IIG we feel it's important to educate everyone, especially those who may not have motorcycle experience, on how to keep...

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Summer Driving Tips

Summer’s almost here. The sun will come out of hiding, and people will, too. As crowds swell at the beach, in parks, and even on roadways, it all makes for some challenging driving conditions. More people are out and...

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Motorcycle Season is Here!

It’s Motorcycle Season! Now is the time to get re familiarized with the rules of the road. We have compiled 10 motorcycle tips to help everyone enjoy a safer ride. 1. Watch Drivers' Heads and Mirrors Paying attention to...

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Protecting Your Home: Understanding Your Home Insurance Policy

As a homeowner, one of the most important aspects of your home isn’t something you use daily. And it isn’t something flashy you show off to friends. It’s your homeowners insurance policy, and it protects you in more...

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Young Drivers: What You Need to Know

When should I have my young driver on his own policy? A young driver should have their own policy when they either have their own vehicle or turn 18. Why? The reason for this is liability. A parent or legal guardian is...

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Do You Have 15 Minutes? Let's Talk Agents

Our culture has changed so much in the last few years! Now you can order almost anything online and have it delivered to your doorstep. While this has serious perks it can have drawbacks with things that are better...

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5 Spring Cleaning Tips to Keep your Insurance Up to Date

Here's a handy check list to make sure you're properly covered! Toys & Vehicles – Did you take insurance off any motorcycles, ATVs, boats, or vehicles in the fall, or never had it in the first place? Make sure you...

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Do I Need to Tell My Insurance Company If My Dog Bites Someone?

You probably don’t think your dog would ever bite someone, let alone cause a serious injury. But dog bites are more common than you might realize-4.5 million occur every year in the U.S., according to the Centers for...

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Warm Thoughts for Boating Season

On this very snowy day we thought we'd talk about happier times in the sunshine! With summer approaching many people are thinking about getting their boats ready to hit the water. Here are a few tips that will help make...

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Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA) Assessment Increase

Effective July 1, 2018 the MCCA Assessment will be increasing from $170 to $192 per insured vehicle. You may be wondering what is the MCCA? The Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA) is a private non-profit...

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