There has been a large surge in theft in the last five years, with car break-ins in particular increasing steadily. Here are a few tips that can help you protect your property and minimize exposure.
-Make sure to always lock your windows and doors.
-Install curtains.
-Install motion detectors and alarms.
-Don’t leave valuables in plain sight.
If you’ve been affected by a break in, always notify your local police department and file a report. They can’t help if they don’t know.
Do you know if your insurance coverage includes break-in protection? Your Friends In The Insurance Business at Midland's Ieuter Insurance Group can answer your insurance coverage questions.
For all your insurance needs, visit us at https://www.ieuter.com
Ieuter Insurance Group - 414 Townsend St Midland MI 48640
(989) 487-1758
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