Even though Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this year, winter isn't over yet! With the weather fluctuating as it has the ice and snow build up on your home and vehicles can still be a hazard. Here are some tips on safe driving until we see Spring blossom.
1. Give yourself enough distance when driving behind other vehicles. This especially applies to large trucks and semis as it’s harder to remove the snow and ice from the top. Flying ice & snow chunks have known to break windshields and cause other front end damage.
2. Make sure to always clear snow from your own vehicle in order to give you the best visibility possible. Don’t forget to include your lights and license plate in clearing away the buildup.
3. Be mindful of your surroundings, falling ice from homes and business can also cause serious injury and damage. If you notice large icicles forming please let the homeowner or business know so that it can be addressed immediately.
Winter is coming to a close but it never pays to be careless. It's a great time to help out your friends and neighbors and encourage everyone to stay safe!