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Ieuter Insurance Group Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Multi Policy Discounts

Are you paying more than you should for insurance? Is your agent applying all the discounts you deserve? Multi Policy discounts are real and one of the easiest ways to lower your insurance premiums. When you bundle...

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Benefits of Independent Insurance Agents

With insurance companies promoting saving money by calling a 1-800 number it’s very tempting to pick up the phone and make that call but before you do remember what an independent agent offers you! Customer Service-It’...

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State of the ACA and Health Insurance Marketplace

Recent political and legislative events have called into question the law regarding how and when Americans can seek health insurance coverage. The Affordable Care Act, also know as Obamacare, has been in the news again...

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Wind and trees

With high winds causing trees to come down, we are getting many questions about who is responsible for a fallen tree on a neighbor’s building? If the tree is healthy, it is considered an act of God, and the owner of the...

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See a Doctor

We are already a month into 2019, and have probably already dropped our new years resolutions. However, there is one that should stick around, see a doctor this year. According to American Academy of Family Physicians...

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Is your home as efficient as it could be? An energy audit can tell you

Drafty windows. Leaky faucets. Dirty air filters. All are common issues in homes across the country, and they’re not just annoying-they also cost you money in decreased energy efficiency and higher bills. The U.S....

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Merry Christmas

Keep Pets Happy and Safe on Vacation

You’re not just imagining it—a lot of people are traveling with their pets these days. According to a TripAdvisor survey of more than 1,000 travelers, 53% of those responding said they take their pets on vacation, and...

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Cyber Liability

What is Cyber Liability and why should you have Cyber Liability for your business? This type of insurance covers your business liability for a data breach involving sensitive customer information. You should have cyber...

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Icicles may be pretty to look at, but resist the urge to look up – you could be injured. Icicles can become very dangerous when they grow large, especially when they have a long distance to fall. Besides the risk of...

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